Every time
Shiro releases something new I think so myself, "What will Caitlin think of next?" Just when I thought the company couldn't get any cooler, "Intertubes" appeared. Basically it is a collection of lip colors that are named and inspired by internet memes. Rickrolled, Longcat, Numa Numa are some examples. In my opinion, the idea is totally hilarious and unique. I love it. Honestly I was a little surprised there wasn't a "Mudkip" one! I purchased two within an hour of the release because I just couldn't resist.

I bought "Over 9000" and "Sad Keanu (purple, duh) and received samples of "Three Wolf Moon," "Yo Dawg," and "Robe and Wizard Hat."
I think the packaging is adorable. I love these tubes, they are very similar to the Latherati ones, only clear instead of black. The labels are waterproof as well, which is nice. They all have a cute little picture on the front that has to do with the meme. I love the Over 9000 one! I didn't watch much Dragonball Z as a kid, but I'm familiar with the meme. "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!!!!!"
These are all vegan, which is nice since a lot of people are vegan these days. Personally, that type of thing doesn't matter to me, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Now onto the swatches. A couple of these didn't turn out looking quite like they do IRL, but I'll do my best to describe them as accurately as I can.

Over 9000. This one is actually my favorite of the bunch. The color looks really good on me and it lasts forever. This one actually acts more like a stain, because the pink stays put on your lips long after the balm has worn off. It's a bit darker than it appears here. It has a light grapefruit scent that I love.

Sad Keanu. (It'd be hilarious to see a "Strutting Leo" one in the future! hehe) I had to get this one, purples always call to me! I had kind of a hard time getting an even application with this one, but it's totally worth it. The color is gorgeous! It's a perfect balance of blue and red tones, which is really hard to find. It looks more pink in the photo than it is, this one actually IS purple! I did notice this one stains too, but not as much as Over 9000. The scent is blackberry.
Please excuse the bad application on these next three. These are the ones in the pots, and since I don't have a lip brush I have to apply them with my finger.

Yo Dawg. "Yo dawg, I heard you like tv's so I put a tv in your tv so you can watch tv while you watch tv!" This one is similar in color to Over 9000, but much more sheer. It is, however, easily built up, which I like. The color just did not want to show up in pictures for some reason. It's actually a light fuschia-pink shade. The listing states that this is raspberry scented, but I didn't notice any scent.

Robe and Wizard Hat. Wow! For some reason I was not expecting much from this one, but it's gorgeous! The color reminds me of Morgana's "Turquoise" only without the pearly finish. It's easily built up to opaque, and the blueberry scent is yummy. This one does stain quite a bit, though, which can be a problem with blues. They can make you look like you're frozen, but I can't say if this one does that because I haven't worn it on my lips long enough.

Three Wolf Moon. Funny story, I bought
this shirt (at Goodwill for $1!) the day I received these, but BEFORE I got home so I didn't even know. It was meant to be. And good thing too, because I love it! This is another one that didn't want to photograph accurately. For some reason it almost looks peach here, but it's actually a really pretty semi-sheer dark red that is also easily built up to opaque. This one has a cinnamon scent. Smells just like Big Red gum! The scent on this one is the most noticeable of the ones I have so if you're sensitive to smells, be aware of that. This one stains, but it's a lovely stain.
Now, THESE swatches are much more color-accurate. Just pretend these colors are on my lips, if you can. XD

Overall, I'm pretty impressed with these. They're very moisturizing(think Chapstick) and the color payoff is great. I think the "meme" theme is hilarious. I sort of can't stand when companies take themselves too seriously, so it makes me happy to see things like this. I would definitely buy these again. In fact, I hope to get Leeeerooooyyyy Jenkinssss when she opens her shop back up! The little picture on the front of that one is a bucket of chicken, which is just perfect.
You can get these from Shiro's etsy shop for $6.50 each. They are offered individually, but there is an option to buy the whole set or choose five.
I hope this review was helpful, and have a lovely evening! :)