The latest from Persephone Minerals, Sailor Chibi Moon! I was lucky enough to get to do a trade with Victoria, so I got a sample set of this as well as Sailor Moon. I plan on swatching the Sailor Moon set soon as well. As a kid, I didn't really like Chibi Moon. I thought she was bratty, and she was my least favorite character. However, a few years ago I watched the subtitled version of Sailor Moon and realized Chibiusa isn't really like that at all. The English dub just made everything sucky. She's actually one of the best characters, IMO. Anyway, on to the swatches :) All of these are swatched over Fyrinnae's Pixie Epoxy.

Black Lady (known as "Wicked Lady" in the English dub) is a really lovely "black cherry" kind of color. It looks sort of brown here, but it isn't at all. It's more burgundy/purple. A very sultry/sexy color!
Chibiusa and Sailor Chibi Moon are very similar, but Chibiusa is more of a strawberry pink and Sailor Chibi Moon has a bit more fuschia and cool tones in it.
Pegasus is an incredible sparkly white/gold. I'm in LOVE with this one.
Small Lady is the girliest girly pretty princess pink.
Pink Sugar Heart Attack is an explosion of hot pink and silver glitter. SUPER sparkly and awesome.
My picks are Pegasus, Small Lady, Black Lady, Twinkle Yell, and Moon Prism Power. I hate to be "that person" that loves everything and never says anything critical, but I really do like all of these and wouldn't change anything about them. If you're someone who even REMOTELY likes pink eyeshadow, I highly recommend getting at least a sample set of this. The full size set is $40, which is a great deal considering these go for $6 each (6 x 9 = 54). The sample set is $11.25.
Totally unrelated to getting this set(honestly), I drew the Super Chibi Moon version of Chibiusa the other day. I got a new tablet not too long ago and I'm trying to get used to using it by doing some simple fan art. My boyfriend's favorite character in Sailor Moon happens to be Chibi Moon, so I drew this for him.

So what do you think of the Chibi Moon set?
Have a lovely evening! :)